Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Who Calls The English Teacher, Dadeo?

Who Calls the English Teacher Dadeo?

I used to complain about doctors from other countries
That come to Canada and whine they can’t practice
I say, “Take a Degree in Canada
If you’re any good and put in the work, then you can practice here
Or, are you too lazy to put in the work?
The government will give you student loans.

And why did you leave your country?
Don’t your countrymen need you?
You’re one of their Stars
But, you’re leaving them high and dry?
Remember, It was your countrymen that paid for your schooling.

But, I went to America
‘Cause all my life, I thought Canadian writers are second rate
Now, that I’m back in Canada
I’m thinking about being a teacher
And getting my Degree

I’d argue with teachers all my life
Saying, if you really wanted to be a writer
You’d be writing, not teaching

But, now I think I understand
You wanted a wife and family
I know teachers are too busy marking all night to write

But, maybe, I’ll teach
Help my Countrymen become the best We can be.

I was schooled by a Dungeon Master
With a strap right across my back
Cuts like a knife, but it feels so right.